How to Clean Arowana Fish Tank

Do you own an Arowana fish? To look after these beautiful animals, one has to pay a lot of attention to each particular aspect of their lives. Arowana fish primarily requires a clean and healthy aquatic environment, which is one of the most important basics in Arowana fish farming.

This guide will also help you learn how to keep the arowana tank clean for arowana fish. We will establish the aspects of their living environment and their care in terms of a clean arowana fish tank. Let’s get started.

Silver arowana fish tank cleaning

Silver arowana fish tank cleaning

Colorful Arowana Fish

Arowana, or “dragon fish” are stately fish that have been admired as symbols of good fortune for ages in the countries of Asia. Due to their striking appearance characterized by long bodies with large scales, these fish have been in high demand among aquarium users all over the world. There are some specifies of Arowana fish.

Popular Colorful Arowana Species

  1. Golden Arowana: This species is one of the most preferred due to the shiny gold scales that adorn the body of the fish. They are not aggressive and may grow quite large when they are fully grown.
  2. Red Arowana: This species is another favorite candidate, with bright red scales on its body. It is notorious for its aggression and should be kept in a very big aquarium.
  3. Black Arowana: This species has a blackish, almost black coloration. They are not very aggressive and can grow to be rather large.
  4. Silver Arowana: This species is characterized by its silvery-gray coloration. They are not aggressive and can reach a relatively large size when fully grown up.
  5. Emperor Arowana: This species is characterized by a blue-green body color. They are territorial fish and need a big aquarium to be comfortable.

Arowana Tank Maintenance Requirements

  • Tank Size: Arowana fish is a giant fish and therefore, needs a large tank with a minimum capacity of a length of 6 feet if the fish is going to be alone. A larger tank is required to accommodate more than one fish.
  • Water Quality: Arowana are known to be sensitive organisms, and this means that they are affected by changes in water quality. It should be filtered well and the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels should be low. The pH should be slightly acidic (6.5-7.0).
  • Temperature: Water temperature should be maintained at 75-82F (24-28C).
  • Decor: Arowanas need to be housed in a bare-bottom aquarium with a limited number of rocks or other ornaments. This reduces the chances of the fish getting injured, besides making the tank easier to clean.
  • Feeding: Arowanas are carnivores and should be fed on live or frozen food, for example, crickets, worms, or fish.
  • Compatibility: Arowana fish are aggressive fish and are likely to attack other fish that are found in their way. They should only be kept with other large, non-aggressive fish, such as the severum cichlid.
keep arowana tank clean

Keep arowana tank clean

What Size Tank Does an Arowana Need

Silver Arowana and other Arowana species are large fishes and need a spacious tank. For a single adult silver Arowana, the space needed is a minimum length of 6 feet for the tank. This provides enough swimming space and is effective in reducing stress.

In general, if you plan to have more than one silver Arowana fish, you should have a much larger tank. The bare minimum that should be provided is approximately 100 gallons per fish. This helps to make sure that each fish can have an individual area or territory to reduce aggression among the fish.

It is, however, important to point out that tank size is one of the several criteria when it comes to keeping arowanas. Cleaning the water supply, filtration, temperature, and surroundings or decors are also very important aspects of their welfare.

When and How Do Arowana Sleep

Arowanas are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active at night. This means they typically sleep during the day.

When cleaning arowana fish tank, it’s best to do so during their daytime sleep hours. This will minimize stress for the fish and allow them to rest undisturbed.

Here are some tips to keep the arowana tank clean:

  • Partial water changes: Perform regular partial water changes to maintain good water quality. Remove about 25-30% of the old water and replace it with fresh, dechlorinated water.
  • Gravel cleaning: Use a gravel siphon to remove any debris or uneaten food from the substrate. Be careful not to disturb the fish too much.
  • Filter maintenance: Clean the filter media regularly to ensure optimal filtration. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific filter.
  • Decor maintenance: Check the decor for any signs of wear or tear. Remove any damaged or dirty items.
  • Tank maintenance: Inspect the tank for any leaks or cracks. Clean the glass as needed.
Red arowana fish tank

Clean red arowana fish tank

Clean Arowana Fish Tank

Arowanas are majestic fish that require a clean and well-maintained environment. Here’s a guide on how to clean arowana fish tank, tailored to different tank sizes and daily maintenance

Daily Maintenance

  1. Water Quality Checks
  • Test Parameters: Regularly check water parameters like pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels.
  • Adjustments: If necessary, make adjustments to maintain optimal levels.
  1. Visual Inspection
  • Fish Behavior: Observe your Arowana’s behavior for any signs of stress or illness.
  • Tank Conditions: Look for any visible debris, algae growth, or cloudy water.
  1. Feeding
  • Portion Control: Feed your arowana a moderate amount of food to avoid excess waste.
  • Remove Leftovers: Remove any uneaten food promptly to prevent water quality issues.

Weekly Maintenance

  1. Partial Water Changes
  • Water Removal: Remove 25-30% of the tank water.
  • Water Replacement: Replace the removed water with fresh, dechlorinated water.
  • Gravel Vacuuming: Use a gravel vacuum to remove debris from the substrate.
  1. Filter Cleaning
  • Rinse Media: Rinse the filter media gently in tank water to remove accumulated debris.
  • Replace Media: If necessary, replace the filter media according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  1. Decor Cleaning
  • Wipe Down: Gently wipe down any decorations to remove algae or debris.
  • Inspect for Damage: Check for any damage to decorations and replace if needed.

Monthly Maintenance

  1. Deep Cleaning
  • Remove Decor: Remove all decorations from the tank.
  • Scrub Walls and Bottom: Scrub the tank walls and bottom to remove algae and buildup.
  • Clean Equipment: Clean any external equipment, such as heaters or pumps.
  1. Filter Cleaning
  • Thorough Cleaning: Disassemble the filter and clean all components thoroughly.
  • Replace Parts: If necessary, replace worn-out parts or gaskets.

Tank Size Considerations

  • Small Tanks: For smaller tanks, more frequent water changes and cleaning may be necessary to maintain water quality.
  • Large Tanks: Larger tanks can often handle less frequent water changes, but regular maintenance is still essential.
clean arowana fish tank

Clean arowana fish tank

Set Ideal Temperature for Arowana Fish


  • Optimal Range: Arowanas thrive in a temperature range of 75-82°F (24-28°C).
  • Consistency: Ensure the temperature remains stable throughout the day. Fluctuations can stress the fish.

Water Flow

  • Moderate Flow: Arowanas prefer a moderate water flow. Avoid strong currents that can stress or exhaust them.
  • Circulation: Ensure proper water circulation to maintain oxygen levels and prevent stagnant areas.


  • Dim Lighting: Arowanas are nocturnal and prefer dim lighting conditions.
  • Simulate Nighttime: Consider using a timer to simulate nighttime conditions for a few hours each day.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Direct sunlight can cause algae growth and increase water temperatures.

Additional Tips

  • Acclimation: When introducing new fish or performing water changes, acclimate them gradually to avoid shock.
  • Regular Testing: Monitor water parameters regularly to ensure they remain within optimal levels.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Provide ample space for your arowana to swim freely.

Parting Thoughts

Thus, with close adherence to the guidelines above, you shall be able to deliver an appropriate environment to maintain the Arowana fish in a healthy and satisfying state. Just a reminder, it is very important to take proper care of and maintain them properly. Have a great time enthrawling the presence of these majestic fish in your home aquarium!

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