Things before starting a koi pond

Things to Consider Before Starting a Koi Fish Pond

Koi fish belong to the Cyprinidae family. They are commonly colorful and possess bright colors. Setting up a Koi fish pond in your yard may bring benefits, including increased house values, improved ornamental value, and release of stress. Next, this...
Choosing The Right Submersible Pump For Aquarium

Choosing The Right Submersible Pump For Aquarium

Have you ever been confused about the types of aquarium water pumps? Exactly, there are three main types - submersible water pumps, in-line water pumps, and DC water pumps. Submersible water pumps, for instance. The submersible ones are entirely submerged...
Brackish Water Fish And Aquarium

Brackish Water Fish And Aquarium

Brackish water is in the middle level between freshwater and marine water. Its salinity is higher than freshwater but lower than marine water. In this article, we will explore further the brackish water fish and brackish water aquarium. After reading,...

Safe Betta Fish Tank Mates

Betta fish, also called Beta, Betta spledens, Chinese fighting fish, Japanese fighting fish, or Siamese fighting fish, are aggressive and instinctively territorial. Thus, you should be cautious when introducing tank mates to a betta fish aquarium. Today, we will get...

Why the Monte Carlo Plant Don’t Carpet

Hey, dear friends. Have you ever been in a dilemma when you single foreground aquatic plants out for aquascaping? If you want to say "Yes", the article today will help you out. Exactly, this article will share one kind of...
How to start a home aquarium

How To Start A Home Office Aquarium

By Andy Birks from With the number of US workers primarily working from home tripling since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, dedicated home offices have become a key part of the working day for many. With more and more time...
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