Koi fish tail bleed

Why Do the Koi Fish Tails Bleed

Why does the koi fish tail bleed? It is a question that has puzzled aquarium enthusiasts. Nonetheless, before taking appropriate measures to address the issue, it is necessary to recognize the potential and root causes. In this article, we will...
bubble curtain in aquariums

How an Air Bubble Curtain Works in Aquariums

As an air pump, a mechanical device to circulates water with electricity, can oxygenate the aquarium and expel excess carbon dioxide, the aquarium air bubbler aeration strip has its special purpose. In this article, we are going to talk about...
Fat goldfish

How to Take Care of Fat Goldfish

As one of the freshwater ornamental goldfish, fat goldfish features a unique appearance. They are usually naturally fat. Also, fat goldfish can grow well with proper care. In today's article, we will share how to care for fat goldfish and...
butterfly fish

Fish Profiles – Butterfly Fish Facts

Hey, dear friends. In today's article, we would like to share a fish consisting of freshwater and saltwater species. That is butterfly fish. After reading, we hope you will know more about it and take good care of it. Rant...
creative fish bowl ideas

Creative Fish Bowl Upcycling Ideas

A fish bowl can be used to keep small fish, like betta fish. But do you still remember that a fish bowl can also be used as a game prop? Have you played the game with your friends? Welcome to...
Stock a 30 Gallon Fish Tank

How Should I Stock a 30 Gallon Fish Tank

When we set up a new fish tank, it is necessary to know the tank size and volume, we can determine the location of the fish tank as well as the species and amount of fish. Today, we will learn...
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