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The Most Expensive Aquarium Fish in the World

The Most Expensive Aquarium Fish in the World

There are some expensive aquarium fish species. They justify their cost for many reasons. Like, some species are rare and have a high demand. Some others beat others in beauty, and others are difficult to catch. Here are 10 of...
What Do Flowerhorn Fish Fear in Captive

What Do Flowerhorn Fish Fear in Captive

The Flowerhorn fish is an extraordinary and beautiful fish with striking colors and a hump on its head for a flowerhorn. Nevertheless, there are questions beneath it all. But what do flowerhorn fish fear? What leads to that impressive hump...
How to Build Reptile Paludarium

How to Build Reptile Paludarium

A paludarium is a wonderful enclosure that allows for a stunning habitat where part of the structure is land and another part is the water, ideal for many interesting reptiles and amphibians. However, getting lost among all the available choices...
Land Plants That Can Grow in Aquariums

Land Plants That Can Grow in Aquariums

Have you ever thought your aquarium could be a little more colorful? Aquatic plants for fish are another related and fascinating element, that can make your fish tank very picturesque and mimic nature. But is it possible for plants that...
Tips for Daily Vivarium Tank Maintenance

Tips for Daily Vivarium Tank Maintenance

The vivarium tank requires little maintenance. However, a proper daily vivarium tank maintenance routine will help you in the long run. This article will address what is a bioactive vivarium and how to build it. After that, 2 sections are...
The Facts of Molly Fish Breeding

The Facts of Molly Fish Breeding

Do you find the highly attractive and cheerful molly fishbowl you over, but you just do not know where to start in breeding them? Are you worried about pregnancy timetables or unclear on how to handle looming births? Ah, don't...
Why Do Carnival Goldfish Die So Fast

Why Do Carnival Goldfish Die So Fast

Those tiny cute goldfish you buy at the carnivals seem like a very good prize, but most of them will die within a week. This blog post gives an insight into carnival goldfish, focusing on carnival goldfish lifespan and the...
A Brief Overview of Mouthbrooder Fish

A Brief Overview of Mouthbrooder Fish

Mouthbrooders fish are species that ensure intense care for their eggs by keeping them in their mouths. Mouth brooder role varies among species, i.e., maternal, paternal, or both. This article will give you insight into the protective behavior and unique...
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