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How to change water in aquarium

How to Change Water in Your Aquarium

A lot of times, first-time fish keepers probably have no idea about: What are the equipment needed to change water? How to change water in the aquarium? How often to change them? In today's article, we are going to discuss all the
How to Deal with Algae

How to Deal with Algae with Different Ways

Sooner or later, fish hobbyists will encounter Algae growth. Some algae growth is normal and healthy, some people even use algae as background to achieve the natural look of an aquarium. However, excess algae growth is in most cases not
How to Set up A Tropical Fish Aquarium

How to Set up A Tropical Fish Aquarium

There are many varieties of tropical fish, suitable for all people with different fish-keeping skills, and various budget ranges. The aquarium device demonstrated below is suitable for beginners, simple to build, and easy to maintain. You can use strong real
User-friendly Fish-keeping Beginner Set

User-friendly Fish-keeping Beginner Set

As a beginner fish hobbyist, you probably are overwhelmed by the various filters that you could choose from. As many experienced fish hobbyists would recommend, a sponge filter is the best filter choice of all. Easy-to-clean sponge filter Let's take a look
Hygger Special Package Set

Hygger Special Package Set

Hi everyone, today I am going to introduce to you a couple of our patent products which you can only find in the hygger aquarium shop. Air-Pressing Aquarium Gravel Cleaner First, I'd like to introduce to you our bestseller - hygger aquarium
How to set up fish tanks

How to Set up A Fish Tank

Now that you have a certain understanding of the knowledge required to run an aquarium, it's time to build an aquarium. This is one of the most interesting parts of fishkeeping because you have realized your dream and brought vitality
Multifunctional Aquarium Package

Multifunctional Aquarium Package

If you are a minimalist like I am, you probably would like to have one aquarium product that has more than just one function and leaves more space for your fish and plants. Today I am going to introduce to
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