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Why Use DC Wavemaker Pumps in Aquariums

Why Use DC Wavemaker Pumps in Aquariums

Do you ever ask yourself why your fish in the aquarium appear to be tired or stressed? It could be as a result of water which is stagnant. And this is where a DC wavemaker pump makes the difference. But,...
Silver Arowana Fish Careness Closeup

Silver Arowana Fish Careness Closeup

Do you love fishing and owning a majestic silver Arowana but are confused by contradictory information about its care? You're not alone. Most aquarists have some concerns regarding their silver arowana size, its lifespan, and where it is best placed....
A Balanced Diet for Aquarium Fish

A Balanced Diet for Aquarium Fish

An aquarium fish diet is essential for fish health. A balanced diet contains various nutrients. Each nutrient has its effect on the fish. This article will help you to understand health-effecting parameters and balanced diet nutrients for fish. You'll also...
What Species of Fish Have Distinct Breeds

What Species of Fish Have Distinct Breeds

Have you ever wondered whether your favorite aquarium fish are capable of engaging in a polyandry relationship? It is a question that has left many fish lovers scratching their heads for a long time. Although the concept of crossed aquarium...
What Fish Can Be Kept Together with Goldfish

What Fish Can Be Kept Together with Goldfish

Goldfish are docile and peaceful. Therefore, you can keep other fish as goldfish tank mates. However, certain aspects decide which are the best Tank mates for goldfish. This article will address all of these compatibility aspects and 10 of the...
Does Hydrocotyle Tripartita Need CO2

Does Hydrocotyle Tripartita Need CO2

One of the most appreciated plants for its green leaves is Hydrocotyle Tripartita. However, it is not easy to grow this beautiful plant, especially when it comes to the process of CO2. A lot of aquarium growers face problems related...
Which Water is Better for Saltwater Tanks

Which Water is Better for Saltwater Tanks

Water is always crucial for aquariums, but its cruciality reaches the top for saltwater tanks. You can use seawater in your saltwater tanks, but it's hard. If you are a little lazy and want to experiment with your tank by...
Take Care of the Cool and Yellow Fish Clown Goby

Take Care of the Cool and Yellow Fish Clown Goby

Yellow clown goby fish are peaceful, beautiful, and hardy marine saltwater fish. This article will address its profile and lifespan. Setting up the tank is a key to proper care of the yellow clown goby. Although they are hardy, but...
The Pupfish That Live in Devils Hole

The Pupfish That Live in Devils Hole

Are you curious to know and find out what kind of fish live in Devils hole? Here is the story of the Devils Hole pupfish, a fish surviving in a tiny pool of water in a desert cave. This blog...
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