How Many Discus Fish Can Be in A Tank

How Many Discus Fish Can Be in A Tank

Discus fish are one of the most beautiful tropical fish. Circular bodies, large size, and bright color tend to make aquarists think about Discus fish stocking ideas. This king of the aquarium belongs to the cichlids' family. Discus fish stocking...
How Many Gouramis Should Be Kept Together

How Many Gouramis Should Be Kept Together

Creating a harmonious aquatic environment isn't just about tossing a few fish into a tank. It's a delicate balance that involves understanding each species' needs, behaviors, and living conditions. Gouramis, with their vibrant hues and engaging personalities, are a popular...

What should I Feed and Grow fish

The diet and feeding requirements can vary for different fish species. So, it is necessary to choose proper food and feed the appropriate amount. Because overfeeding will lead to poor water quality and pose threats to fish health. Following the...
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