
Safe Betta Fish Tank Mates

Betta fish, also called Beta, Betta spledens, Chinese fighting fish, Japanese fighting fish, or Siamese fighting fish, are aggressive and instinctively territorial. Thus, you should be cautious when introducing tank mates to a betta fish aquarium. Today, we will get...
How Many Guppies in a 10 Gallon Tank

How Many Guppies in a 10 Gallon Tank

Have you ever watched a children's television series - Bubble Guppies? It is produced by Jonny Belt and Robert Scull and is mainly about the underwater adventures of a group of guppies. If you are keeping guppy fish in your...
Most Popular Tetra Fish Types to Aquarists

Most Popular Tetra Fish Types to Aquarists

Tetras are one kind of popular freshwater fish, coming from South America, Central America, and Africa. Most of them are easy to keep. Tetras fish are small - generally, 1.5-2 inches and one tetra can produce 50 tetra fry on...
Prevent guppy fish from overbreeding

How to Prevent Guppies From Overbreeding

Guppies are ovoviviparous and easy to breed. They can reproduce 10-100 or more small fish at one time. Nevertheless, overbreeding is harmful to fish in your tank. Overbreeding may cause lower oxygen levels. Likewise, guppies need oxygen to survive. Thus,...
Are You Ready for Guppy Breeding

Are You Ready for Guppy Breeding

Guppies are from South America. They are tropical freshwater fish, which belong to the Poeciliidae family. Guppies possess colorful and slim bodies as well as attractive fins. Meanwhile, guppies are peaceful and easy to care for. Thus, they are perfect...
How To Make Tetra Fry Grow Quickly

How To Make Tetra Fry Grow Quickly

Small fish fry usually takes three months or several years to become adult fish. Of course, it is not all the same but determined by the fish species. However, small fish may spend less time. And it is said that...
Stock a 30 Gallon Fish Tank

How Should I Stock a 30 Gallon Fish Tank

When we set up a new fish tank, it is necessary to know the tank size and volume, we can determine the location of the fish tank as well as the species and amount of fish. Today, we will learn...
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