Why Your Aquarium Fish Clips Its Fins

Why Your Aquarium Fish Clips Its Fins

Are there signs that your favorite aquarium fish is ill? Maybe it is spending more time camouflaging itself or it is moving around with its fins either clinched or damaged. Some of them may be a hint to some other...
Fungal Infection Fish Treatment and Prevention

Fungal Infection Fish Treatment and Prevention

Several aquaculture diseases are caused by fungi that has become a leading issue for many fish producers. These fish fungal infections result in annoyance not only to the fish as well as their masters and may lead to a variety of...
What Should Do for Arowana Bulging Eyes

What Should Do for Arowana Bulging Eyes

If you are an Arowana enthusiast and have some worries about your fish bulging eyes, then this article is for you. It can be a stressful condition, but knowing it and knowing its causes and treatments, it can be managed...
Some Convenient Treatments for Aquatic Plants

Some Convenient Treatments for Aquatic Plants

Do you have a sick-looking aquatic plant? Do you find its leaves are yellow or brown? Have you seen some aquatic plant problems, such as roots decaying or algae forming? These are some of the issues that are associated with...
How Do You Tell If Fish Are Happy Or Stressed

How Do You Tell If Fish Are Happy Or Stressed

Fish stress is one of the most concerning aspects among aquarists. They care about it as it can prove fatal for the fate of tank fish. There are some signs of stress in fish that exhibit under stress. It's better...
Why Do Carnival Goldfish Die So Fast

Why Do Carnival Goldfish Die So Fast

Those tiny cute goldfish you buy at the carnivals seem like a very good prize, but most of them will die within a week. This blog post gives an insight into carnival goldfish, focusing on carnival goldfish lifespan and the...
Why My Mystery Snail is Floating in a Tank

Why My Mystery Snail is Floating in a Tank

Have you ever seen your mystery snail floating motionless at the water's surface and panicked? Mystery snails are popular aquarium pets, but their floating behavior can alarm new owners. In this blog, we'll explore why mystery snails are floating, whether it's...
Why Do Catfish Swim on Top of Water

Why Do Catfish Swim on Top of Water

Have you ever seen an aquarium catfish chilling near the surface of a pond or tank? It might seem odd for a bottom dweller to be hanging out up top. This blog dives into the fascinating reasons why catfish sometimes...
Marine Fish Diseases Symptoms and Treatment Options

Marine Fish Diseases Symptoms and Treatment Options

Keeping a vibrant saltwater aquarium is a rewarding experience, but maintaining the health of your pet friends requires attentiveness. This guide explores the most common saltwater fish diseases and disorders, equipping you to identify symptoms and understand the root causes. This...
Columnaris Fish Disease Spotlight and Treatment

Columnaris Fish Disease Spotlight and Treatment

Aquarium owners come up with health concerns for their aquatic pets more often, as columnaris fish disease is one of the most common issues they deal with. The bacterial disease is triggered by fish disease Flavobacterium columnare and is present...
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