Fish gills disease

How to Spot Fish Gills Disease and Treat Them

Due to bacterial infections or fungal infections, fish may suffer fin rot disease. Also, infections may be the cause of fish gill disease. If you want to know more about fish gill disease, just read on. Given below are more...

Common Coral Disease Outbreak And Treatment

The coral disease would affect corals' growth, or even lead to coral death. Below is an article about common coral disease and treatment, if you come across a coral disease outbreak in the reef tank, take it as a reference....

What is the Treatments for Popeye in Betta Fish

Popeye is a fish disease, which may pose risks to fish health problems. It is also known as exophthalmia. Generally, Popeye will lead to swollen or bulged eyes, you can see the fish with big eyes. More seriously, fish may...

Bacterial Diseases Treatment For Fish in Aquariums

Sick fish may be the result of parasite invasion, fungal infection, bacterial infection, or others. The following article will discuss bacterial diseases and treatment for fish in aquariums. Without wasting much time, let's dive deep into it. Bacterial Diseases in Fish What...

Arowana Fish Common Diseases and Treatments

Featuring a long body, the Arowana fish is one popular freshwater fish. Generally, Arowana fish are native to Africa, Asia, South America, and Australia. They are one of the most expensive aquarium fish that need careful attention. Otherwise, health issues...

How to Prevent Gas Bubble Disease in Fish

Have you ever seen bubbles on your fish? If not, your fish are lucky. Because bubbles on fish can be a disease, which may be white spot disease, fish pox, or gas bubble disease. Specifically, gas bubble disease is the...

Fish Disease – Help the Clownfish in Sick

Hey guys, you will do whatever you can if your fish encounters disease, right? But the prerequisite is to know what is the disease and what are the causes, then you can apply an adequate remedy for the disease. In...
Fish Diseases - Fin Rot Betta Treatment

Fish Diseases – Fin Rot Betta Treatment

Dear friends, have you ever noticed fin rot before? Do you know how to differentiate it? Fin rot is one kind of disease, which are harmful to your fish tank. Next, we will get into a further discussion about fin...
Why is the Fish Getting Thinner

Why is the Fish Getting Thinner

Cast your mind back to the time of suffering sickness, did you lose weight? We guess most people would say "Yes". Your fish are the same, they may get thinner because of disease or something like that. Wasting disease, for...
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