Lovely Freshwater Swordtail Fish in Aquariums

Striking colors, peaceful nature, and novice-friendly make the swordtail fish famous among aquarists. They are among the least concerned category, as they are excellent breeders and easy to care for. The change in male behavior at breeding is an aspect that keeps them slightly difficult. The following article will address this issue and provide you with some swordtail fish breeding tips, swordtail fish care, and many more. Just scroll down the page and enjoy the article.

swordtail fish types

swordtail fish types

Swordtail Fish Types

Swordtail fish belong to the genus Xiphophorus. There are about 28 different species in this genus. Here are some beautiful swordtail types and their beauty aspect.

Swordtail Fish Species Beauty Aspect
White Swordtail Pure white color and add versatility to the tank
Tuxedo Red Swordtail Their tuxedo-like black and red coloration
Tricolor Lyretail Swordtail Combination of three colors, i.e., white, black, and red
Rose Pineapple Swordtail Rosy coloration with pineapple pattern
Green Pineapple Swordtail A greenish hue on the pineapple pattern
Red Wag Lyretail Swordtail Lively nature and red-wagging tail
Red Velvet Swordtail Peaceful temperament and velvet red coloration
Red Panda Swordtail Reddish hue
Red and White Swordtail A combination of red and white
Neon Swordtail Lively nature and irradiance-like neon
Pineapple Swordtail Pineapple-like speckled pattern on body
Marigold Swordtail Bright yellowish and orange coloration
Hi Fin Lyretail Swordtail Graceful swimming and high dorsal fin
Black Swordtail Black body and adaptability in a community tank
Imperial Koi Swordtail Vibrant orange and black pattern and similarity with koi fish
Black Lyretail Swordtail Flowing lyretail fins and striking black coloration
Black Moscow Swordtail Deep black coloration and elegant look

Are Swordtail Fish Easy to Care For

Yes, they are beginner-friendly and easy to care for. Their care is easy due to their hardiness, adaptability with community tanks, and peaceful nature. Even only a 10-gallon tank is also suitable to start an aquarium journey with swordtail fish. Although ease in care, here are some care tips for their optimal growth.

Tank Size

Although, you can keep them in a 10-gallon tank. However, keep them in at least a 20-gallon tank for the following reasons.


They are active Different species can grow up to 3 feet long Males are territorial, and this behavior is prominent in the breeding

Water Parameters

They are not very sensitive to water parameters. However, providing them with optimal water conditions can result in optimal growth. Here are the optimal water parameters.

Parameter Value
pH 7 to 8
Water temperature 17 to 27°C (64 to 82°F)
Hardness 12 to 30dGH

Tank Decor

They love to live in plenty of hiding spaces environment. Therefore, install caves and grow plants in the tank to shelter them. Moreover, you can also add different wood and rocks.

Mopani wood Spider wood Seiryu stone


Swordtail fish produce high excretion. Therefore, you need to install a proper filtration system. Preferably, install such a system that mimics their natural environment. Install a sponge filter to avoid sucking the fry into the filtration system in the breeding tank. Install a low-flow filtration system, as it perfectly mimics their natural habitat.


They are omnivores and consume a variety of food. They consume whatever fits in their mouth. Here are some suitable diet options.

Pellets Flakes Daphnia White worms
Frozen food Brine shrimps Blood worms Mosquito larvae
swordtail fish breeding

swordtail fish breeding

What Is the Swordtail Fish Breeding Cycle

Swordtail fish are livebearers, and their breeding is straightforward. The mature pair can mate again, i.e., 28 days after giving birth to fry. Here is the procedure.


Males have long caudal fins(swords), and females don’t have this physical characteristic. Therefore, their identification is straightforward. Take a mature male and a female and keep them in a tank.

Mating Tank Setup

Prepare the tank that is optimal for breeding. It involves,

Increasing the temperature, i.e., 27°C(87°F) Feed the pair on live food, as it’s highly proteins food

Breeding Tank Setup

Prepare a breeding tank, minimum of 10-gallon. Grow large plants at the bottom as they provide shelter to fry. These plants will also provide a private place for female fish during gestation.


The male swims behind the female and nips her. They mate with ease and quick. When you see the signs of pregnancy, i.e., a big belly, transfer it into the breeding tank.

Gestation and Birth

The female swordtail will take about 28 days. After the gestation period, it gives birth to the fry in a corner of the tank. Separate it from the breeding tank because it can cannibalize its fry. Raise the new generation on finely crushed flakes or a specialized fry diet.

swordtail fish care

swordtail fish care

What Advice Do You Have for a Novice Swordtail Fish Owner?

Usually, beginners love to start their tank journey with swordtail fish because they are easy to manage. However, how easy they are, it takes some energy and effort to maintain their tank. Some care tips discussed in the previous section, i.e., Are swordtail fish easy to care for? They were general tips. Here are some beginner-friendly advice.

Install Proper Filtration System

According to the size of the tank, provide proper filtration.

HOB for 20 to 50 gallons Sponge filter for the breeding tank.
Canister filter for more than 50 gallons of tank Internal filter for less than a 20-gallon tank

Hiding Spot

They love to hide. Use artificial plants and caves because live plants require extra care. After some time, you can grow live plants.

Water Parameters Testing Kit

Buy a water parameter testing kit. Religiously check the water parameters daily. If you see any problem, try to fix it at the very beginning.


When swordtails are young, feed them twice or thrice a day with high-quality food that they will finish in 30 seconds. When they grow up, feed them that they can consume in 2 minutes.

Tank Mates

They become fin nippers when they have aggressive tank mates. Additionally, it’ll raise stress in the tank. Therefore, always keep the same size and nature, i.e., peaceful companions.

Gender Ratio

Add more females and fewer males in your tank. It’ll help to reduce swordtail male aggression. 3:1 is the suitable female and male ratio.

Breeding Tank

Always prepare a breeding tank to have successful swordtail progeny. The conditions are above under the breeding tank setup.


Health is paramount. Closely observe the fish’s behavior. If they show some red flags, i.e., lethargy, strange swarming pattern, loss of appetite, etc., quarantine your swordtail and consult the vet.

Lovely Swordtail Fish

Lovely Swordtail Fish

Can Betta Fish Live with Swordtails?

No. Preferably, don’t keep betta and swordtail fish in a tank, as male swordfish become aggressive during breeding. However, you can keep them together when only one swordtail male is in the tank.

Final Thoughts

Swordtail fish are among the most beautiful and beginner-friendly aqua pets. They have almost 28 species that add vibrant colors and life to the tank. They are hardy but require carefulness to show optimal growth, including water parameters, tank size, etc.

The breeding procedure is very straightforward. Separate breeding tanks increase the chances of successful raising of young fry. Proper filtration, diet, gender ratio in a tank, and many other aspects help to have a beautiful tank for novice aquarists.

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300-1200W, 40-280Gal, 59-93°F
11-32W, 12"-54"

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