The hygger fish room is coming soon, it is about 200 square feet and contains 21 individual tanks and 78 multiple tanks. The fish room was started from October 2024. It includes aquascape, breeding and saltwater areas.
hygger 28.5 gallons dragon stone tank, building a continuous mountains with Eleocharis Parvula "Mini" and banana plant, it takes about 8-9 days to build its nitrification system for a clear water.
hygger aquascape No.2 is a 65-gallon tank designed with a landscaping concept of Purple Teak Driftwood as the skeleton, made of lava sand red, purple teak driftwood, seiryu rock stone, and aqua soil, it takes 2 weeks for crystal clear water.
The 50 gallons seiryu stone tank is a new aquascaping tank of hygger. It is built with seiryu stone, gravel, and various aquatic plants includes Peperomia and fern, etc. hygger use 110-165 lbs seiryu stone to build the aquascape mountains.
The 33gallon tank is a new aquascaping tank of hygger, which is built with pine bark stone, white sand, and Spiky Moss'. The tank fish is a school of Black neon tetra, its scientific name is Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi.
hygger aquascaping series: the small 20 gallons tank No.89 is built for the small fish White cloud mountain minnow with Bucephalandra pygmaea plants, river sand, and Seiryu stones.
This hygger 975 fish bowl aquascaping video was created and photographed by Stephen Scheidig, who is a home aquarist and aquascaper based in Florida, USA, he has a YouTube channel - and he does have experience in the aquascape.
This pine bark stone aquascaping spent 3 days building and is now complete. After filtering for one day, the water is crystal clear and the waterfall is cool.
Pine bark stone landscaping video by hygger's aquascapers. Pine bark stone is a very distinctive stone for landscaping and aquascaping, it's convex and concave.
The Dragon valley aquascape building video is created by SS Aquascapes. The internal filter for the small Dragon stone desert theme scape is hygger 040 internal power filter, which is a 4 in 1 multi-functional power filter.